5 Self-Esteem Workshops for Schools - Teacher Resources
5 Self-Esteem Workshops for Schools - Teacher Resources

Session 1: Appearance ideals

Students explore and challenge the concept of appearance ideals. Where do they come from? What pressure do they put on us? How have they changed? What qualities should we celebrate instead?

  • Appearance Ideals - Teacher Guide (PDF) (1.6 MB)
  • Appearance Ideals - Student Presentation (PDF) (2.9 MB)
  • Appearance Ideals - Student Activity Sheets (PDF) (183.6 KB)

Session 2: Media messages

Students learn to become savvy, critical media consumers (and producers) by investigating body image and the media and how images of people in professional media (e.g. advertising) and social media (e.g. Instagram) are manipulated and often drastically altered to reflect appearance ideals.

  • Appearance Ideals - Teacher Guide (PDF) (1.6 MB)
  • Appearance Ideals - Student Presentation (PDF) (2.9 MB)
  • Appearance Ideals - Student Activity Sheets (PDF) (183.6 KB)

Session 3: Confront comparisons

Students see how focusing on appearance often leads to unhelpful comparisons. Instead of judging other people's physical features to be 'better' than their own, what more positive ways of making comparisons could they adopt?

  • Confront comparisons - (PDF) (2.4 MB)
  • Confront comparisons - (PDF) (6.2 MB)
  • Confront comparisons - (PDF) (510 KB)

Session 4: Banish body-talk

Examining the problems body talk can cause, including how it can damage self-esteem, students develop techniques to redirect or reframe such conversations for a more positive impact on body confidence.

  • Banish body-talk - (PDF) (613 KB)
  • Banish body-talk - (PDF) (5.8 MB)
  • Banish body-talk - (PDF) (2.4 MB)

Session 5: Be the change

The final workshop brings together everything students have explored and learned so far with the chance to review and reflect. Students will prepare to lead by example as they take the body confident message out into their school life.

  • Be the change - (PDF) (493 KB)
  • Be the change - (PDF) (2.8 MB)
  • Be the change - (PDF) (1.7 MB)