Dove Body Positivity

Parent checklist

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    Ban body-talk at home

    Teach them to celebrate everybody’s differences because it makes the world much more exciting than if everyone looked exactly the same

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    Be a role model

    Model body acceptance by talking about aspects of your body that you like, because of what it allows you to do

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    Don’t link food to appearance

    When talking about food and exercise, avoid talking about changing your appearance and labelling of foods as “good” or “bad”. Instead, model positive relationships with food and exercise, by framing them as ways to take care of your body and make you feel happy, strong, and energised

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    Do link sun protection and skin health

    When talking about sun protection and skin shades, frame this in terms of skin health rather than appearance ideals

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    Avoid making comments about other people’s bodies

    These kinds of comments will encourage your child to over-value appearance and equate it with self-worth. Instead, compliment people on their personal qualities, so they learn to value these qualities over appearanceDon’t link food to appearance

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