Words of encouragement: how you can support your child
Life can feel lonely for teenagers. Have you considered writing a message of support to your son or daughter about being a teenager? Sharing your own experiences, words of wisdom and encouragement can help you empathise with them and improve your conversations.
A message of support for my daughter
It seems such a long time since I was a teenager. But when I was looking at some old photos at your grandma’s recently, it suddenly all came flooding back. I saw a picture of myself at the same age you are now and suddenly my heart just melted for you. I looked into my own girl’s eyes and I could see all the confusion, all the uncertainty, all the things I was unsure or even ashamed about. So that’s why I’m writing you this message of support. It’s such a time of change and I want to tell you how I got through it, because I think hearing about some of my experience might help you find your own way through.
For a while, it felt as though looks were all that mattered – and I never seemed to look as good as I thought the girls around me did. But gradually, I learned to trust my instincts about what really made me who I was (and who I still am today). I learned to play to my academic strengths. I realised that though I’d never be on the netball team, I could still enjoy other activities like riding my bike and take pride in being fit.
I discovered that what matters most is learning to trust that voice inside that’s authentically me, that makes me the person I am. I realised that I could trust that voice, and that listening to it would help me work out how to be the best possible ‘me’ I could be. I didn’t have to be the best at whatever it was I was trying to achieve, but I did have to try my best. Realising the difference between those two things really boosted my confidence.
It took me a long time to realise the importance of friendship with other girls in my life and I think you’re learning that sooner than I did. You don’t need tons of friends, but you do need at least a few close friends you can trust, and you need to learn to accept them, warts and all, and work out the hard stuff. No one is a perfect friend, but what your friend does is care about you – and in return, you care about her.
I made a fair few mistakes when I was a girl and no doubt you will, too. It’s one thing we can both be certain of. But here’s something I learned when I was older and I’d like you to know it now. We all make mistakes in life but what’s important is what you do after you realise you’ve made one and how you work through it. It takes courage to face up to your mistakes and move on but being able to do this can be incredibly empowering. It can give your self-esteem a huge lift, because it helps you realise that, whatever happens, you call the shots in your life and you can turn things around.
Always know that I love you
Love Mum