• 1
    Listen without making judgements

    When she has concerns, encourage her to work through her thoughts and possible resolutions

  • 2
    Acknowledge her emotions

    Don’t try to change them. Let her know you can relate to what she's feeling

  • 3
    Don't draw attention to appearance or tease about her looks

    It might seem harmless fun, but it could have a profound effect on her

  • 4

    Spend time enjoying father daughter activities

    Create special moments doing something you both enjoy, such as playing sport, cooking or listening to music

  • 5

    Write a letter to your daughter

    Write a letter expressing your feelings for her and letting her know you are proud of her

  • 6

    Show her the real you and get to know you

    Admit that you still work on your own self-esteem and self-confidence

  • 7

    Point out your similarities

    Not just in appearance, but things you are both good at, both like or both find funny

  • 8

    Be present and open with your partner or wife

    Talk to your partner, the Dove Self-Esteem Project community and other dads. Share your anxieties and ask for their support


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