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( 22 )
  • Confident Me – single session
    Educational materials looking at the media's influence on body image and self-esteem, with videos, presentations and worksheets to help build young people's body confidence
    Average read time: 2mins read

    Teacher resources for our single session Dove Confident Me programme – all you need to run a one-off body-confidence workshop.

  • The Dove Self-Esteem Project: Our Mission in Action
    Find out how the Dove Self-Esteem project is helping young people reach their full life potential by delivering quality body confidence and self-esteem education.
    Average read time: 2mins read

    It's a shocking fact that eight out of 10 girls are so concerned about body image that they opt out of important life activities. 

  • The Letter Challenge: dealing with bullies
    Are you a parent wondering what to do about bullying? Use our Letter Challenge video and activity to raise the issue with your child and boost their confidence.
    Average read time: 4mins read

    If your child has experienced bullying, we hope these anti-bullying activities will help them. Use The Letter Challenge video, activity and action checklist to give your daughter or son the confidence they need to put bullying behind them.

  • How to stop cyberbullying and protect your child from its effects
    Cyberbullying facts, advice on how to prevent cyberbullying, tips for dealing with cyberbullies for parents.
    Average read time: 4mins read

    New technology has made it easier for bullies to reach their victims. If you think your child is being affected, use our action checklist for advice on how to support and protect your child from cyberbullying.

  • What is low body confidence?
    Dove is helping parents & teachers support young people to be more body confident, with body image articles, advice & confidence tips to fight low self-esteem.
    Average read time: 4mins read

    Low body confidence can be hard to identify and even harder to address, which is why Dove is on a mission to help everyone support young people to be more body confident.

  • Peer pressure: help your child to be themselves
    Negative peer pressure can knock teens' confidence and self-esteem. Help your child learn how to deal with peer pressure with our tips and expert advice.
    Average read time: 5mins read

    During adolescence, your child might want to avoid ‘sticking out’, but there’s no need for them to pretend they're something they're not. Use our action checklist to help your daughter or son resist peer pressure and enjoy being themselves.

  • Show your child the benefits of exercise
    As well as boosting teen fitness, exercise is great for teen mental health, self-confidence and body image. Use our advice and tips to get your child moving
    Average read time: 4mins read

    The benefits of exercise go far beyond the physical. Discover the scientific facts about the positive link between exercise and body image, and give your child the exercise bug, with our action checklist.

  • Mood swings: how to handle emotional changes during puberty
    Noticing signs of puberty in your daughter? Use our expert advice and action checklist to help you and your girl deal with puberty symptoms such as mood swings.
    Average read time: 5mins read

    Once upon a time you had a carefree little girl who told you (and her teddy) everything. Now she’s going through puberty, you may notice some changes, so we’ve created an action checklist to help you and your daughter navigate them.

  • Supporting her personal style in the face of peer pressure
    Teach your daughter how to avoid peer pressure and celebrate individuality in her fashion and beauty choices, to develop her own unique sense of style.
    Average read time: 4mins read

    As children get older, the pressure to abandon their personal style in favour of peer-approved fashion choices increases. How can you help your daughter resist negative peer pressure, and stay true to her own unique sense of style?