We’re are dedicated to helping the next generation of women develop a positive relationship with the way they look, helping them to raise their self-esteem and realise their full potential.
To help us do that, we seek out and work with partners who really get it. They know and work with girls and young women every day and are as passionate as we are about creating a world free from beauty-related anxieties. From local groups active in small communities to large scale global partnerships, we work together to help girls develop the confidence they need to be true to who they are, and realise their full potential. Some of our partners provide valuable expertise in developing our resources and materials, others provide the people power we need to get them seen. All of them inspire us every day. Take a look at our partners opposite to find out more about how we are working together. Feel free to get in touch with them – they do some amazing work.
Together we’re doing whatever it takes to put a stop to beauty-related anxieties. Want to help? Explore our self-esteem toolkits and resources, and join us in the battle against low self-esteem.